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Articles of interest from past and current affairs.


The good news is that that Rights of Mother Earth is gaining momentum.  Many nations have started to recognize and adopt Rights of Nature in one form or another. On this page we bring you some relevant articles both current and from the archives from around the globe:


What's happening around the globe?


New Zealand declares a climate change emergency

Jacinda Ardern calls climate change ‘one of the greatest challenges of our time’ and pledges carbon-neutral government by 2025


Ecocide a crime!

Belgian Green parties introduce bill to make ecocide a crime - and support ecocide amendment to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.


International crime of ecocide...

President Macron “shares ambition” to establish international crime of ecocide.


French head of state’s response to citizens assembly opens way to legal protection of the Earth.



International Day for Biodiversity

May 22nd is the International Day for Biological Diversity and the theme chosen by the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) this year is “Our solutions are in nature”.

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Der Erde eine Stimme geben

Michael Heim im Dialog mit Doris Ragettli, Mit-Gründerin der Bewegung 'Rights of Mother Earth'.


In the United States

On April 9 2013, the City Council of Santa Monica voted 7-0 to adopt the state’s first ever Bill of Rights for Sustainability, directing the city to “recognize the rights of people, natural communities and ecosystems to exist, regenerate and flourish.”


In Ecuador

Nature has recently been recognized as a subject rather than an object of rights in some Latin American countries.


This is the case in Bolivia, on a legal level, and in Ecuador, on a constitutional level.


In Bolivia

LA PAZ, May 19 2014 (IPS) - The law for the defence of Mother Earth passed by Bolivia a year and a half ago has not yet moved from good intentions to concrete action.


In New Zealand

In New Zealand, the Whanganui River, Mount Taranaki and Te Urewera have been granted legal status.


In India

The Holy River Ganga, the Yamuna River as well as the Himalayan Gangotri and Yamunotri glaciers have been declared as living human entities by the High court of Uttarakhand.


Alternative article 


In Colombia

The constitutional Court granted the Atrato River legal rights, which have also been extended to the Colombian Amazon region.


Alternative article


Our 8th annual conference on Rights of Nature

Held on 11 December at the UN in Geneva in collaboration with OSI, we issued a statement, which we wrote in collaboration with the attendees.

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David Attenborough: Humans have overrun the world

David Attenborough has said humans have “overrun the planet” in a warning that the natural world is on the precipice of “disaster”.

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Amazon chief says they're facing "genocide" - video

The Brazilian government has rejected $20 million in aid from G-7 leaders to fight the fires in the Amazon rainforest. CBS News correspondent Manuel Bojorquez spoke with Tashka Yawanawa, chief of the indigenous Yawanawa people, about the threats they are facing in the region.

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UN Climate Summit - increasing carbon reduction commitments

Dozens of small nations ramped up their commitments to cut carbon emissions at the United Nations Climate Action Summit. But the world's largest greenhouse gas polluters offered only silence...


(By Marianne Lavelle /

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