COP 16, 2024, Cali, Colombia
As countries prepare for the next round of global biodiversity negotiations at COP16, a new report, issued be the Earth Law Center Ecocentrism in the Global Biodiversity Framework, outlines how developing countries, in particular the least developed
countries and small island developing States, can secure portions of the Global Biodiversity Framework Fund (GBF Fund) – intended to reach $200 billion per year by 2030 – to harmonize their legal systems with the laws of Nature under the framework of “Mother Earth centric actions.”​
COP15: Landmark Biodiversity Deal Recognizes Rights of Nature is Vital to its Success
December 19, 2022
Montreal, Canada—Negotiators from across the world have adopted a landmark global biodiversity agreement marking the first international agreement to explicitly promote “rights of nature” and “rights of Mother Earth.” The breakthrough came as nearly 200 countries completed their negotiations at COP-15, the United Nations Biodiversity Conference aimed at creating a plan to protect and restore biodiversity through 2030.
Read or download this press release in its entirety here (complete with active, useful links)
Linked here you will find our textual recommendations and concise rationale for supporting the Rights of Mother Earth in the GBF. Recommendation here
Why is including Rights of Nature in the legal systems and a Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth needed?
On average, we’ve seen an astonishing 73% decline in the size of populations of mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians in just over 50 years, according to WWF’s Living Planet Report 2024. The top threats to species identified in the report link directly to human activities, including habitat loss and degradation and the excessive use of wildlife such as over-fishing and over-hunting.
The report presents a sobering picture of the impact human activity has on the world’s wildlife, forests, oceans, rivers, and climate. We’re facing a rapidly closing window for action and the urgent need for everyone to collectively rethink and redefine how we value, protect, and restore Nature.