The books, magazines, documents and websites featured on this page are offered as useful educational resources.
Fragments of Extinction
The sound excerpts on this website have been optimized for personal headphones.
Selected from hundreds of hours of field recordings, these excerpts provide only a small sample of the many habitats documented but give an idea of the variety and complexity of the sonic environments investigated in the project Fragments of Extinction.
Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature
Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature
The Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature is a network that connects organizations that promote the recognition, guarantee and protection of the rights of nature. It does this as a transversal idea for all organizations, in order to recognise nature as a subject of rights, to change the unsustainable pattern that the planet and humanity are facing. Please click on the link above to view the entire site for Rights of Nature; a fascinating source of materials and information.
Awakening the Dreamer Symposium
The Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream Symposium is an interactive transformational workshop that inspires participants to play a role in creating a new future: an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling, and socially just human presence on this planet.
Through the symposiums around the world, thousands of participants are transforming their relationship with themselves and with planet earth.
Earth Justice(Developing a New Jurisprudence)
Given that environmental laws have not been able to instill in humans the true spirit of environment protection and are not entirely successful, Earth Justice aims to create a new jurisprudence by advocating the ‘Rights of Nature’. It recommends the creation of a blueprint for a new set of rights which has found expression in some of the legal systems around the world.
The book also looks at different ways and means in which cultural and traditional tenets, which foster environment protection, can be internalised into law. The ultimate aim is to change the anthropocentric approach of the environmental legal regime and foster the growth of an ecocentric approach.
The Rights of Nature: A Legal Revolution That Could Save the World
Lawyers from California to New York are fighting to gain legal rights for chimpanzees and killer whales, and lawmakers are ending the era of keeping these intelligent animals in captivity. In Hawaii and India, judges have recognized that endangered species — from birds to lions — have the legal right to exist. Around the world, more and more laws are being passed recognizing that ecosystems — rivers, forests, mountains, and more — have legally enforceable rights. And if nature has rights, then humans have responsibilities.
In The Rights of Nature, noted environmental lawyer David Boyd tells this remarkable story, which is, at its heart, one of humans as a species finally growing up. Read this book and your world view will be altered forever.
Eradicating Ecocide
In Eradicating Ecocide, international environment lawyer and Ecocide law expert Polly Higgins sets out to demonstrate how our planet is fast being destroyed by the activities of corporations and governments, facilitated by 'compromise' laws that offer insufficient deterrence. She offers a solution that is radical yet pragmatic, and, as she explains, necessary. This is the first book to examine the power of law to change everything. Higgins provides context by presenting examples of laws in other countries and in earlier times in history which have succeeded in curtailing the power of governments, corporations and banks, and have triggered change. Eradicating Ecocide is a crash course on what laws work, what doesn't and what else is required to prevent the ever escalating destruction. Eradicating Ecocide provides a comprehensive overview of what is required in law in order to prevent ecocide. It is a book unlike any other; based on the principle of 'first do no harm', it applies equally to global as well as smaller communities and anyone who is involved in decision-making.
Wild Law: A Manifesto for Earth Justice
We are rapidly destroying our only habitat, Earth. It is becoming clear that many of the treaties, laws and policies concluded in recent years have failed to slow down, let alone halt or reverse, this process. Cormac Cullinan shows that the survival of the community of life on Earth (including humans) requires us to alter fundamentally our understanding of the nature and purpose of law and governance, rather than merely changing laws.
In describing what this new ‘Earth governance’ and ‘Earth jurisprudence’ might look like, he also gives practical guidance on how to begin moving towards it. Wild Law fuses politics, legal theory, quantum physics and ancient wisdom into a fascinating and eminently readable story. It is an inspiring and stimulating book for anyone who cares about Earth and is concerned about the direction in which the human species is moving.
Carbon Trade Watch
Why Indigenous communities are saying NO to Reducing Emissions from Deforestation
and Forest Degradation (REDD) mechanism.
A READER: a collection of articles written by REDD Monitor, Global Justice Ecology Project, Censat Agua Viva, Amazon Watch, Acción Ecológica, COECOCEIBA-AT, OFRANEH, World Rainforest Movement, Carbon Trade Watch, RisingTide, ETC Group and Indigenous Environmental Network.