We thank all of our team members for their heart felt contributions! We would not be able to do this without each and everyone of you! And special thanks to Andy, who has been our long time web angel, patiently working away behind the scenes!
(Rights of Mother Earth is a volunteer based organization)
The RoME team
Who We Are:
Meet the RoME Team

Doris Ragettli, Switzerland:
Co-Founder of Rights Of Mother Earth with Robin Milam.
My heart beats for the Rights of Mother Earth. On one of several cross USA bicycle rides in the nineties, in support of hunger and poverty eradication programs, we cycled across the Rocky Mountains, where we saw how the beautiful forests were logged. To see these majestic trees being hauled down the highway felt like watching a funeral. This is when I decided in my heart to stand up for the protection of trees, waters, animals, the soil the air and all living beings - we are all related - we must always remember our love for Nature and mind her well being.

Robin Milam, USA:
Member of the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature. My passion is my love of nature, the well-being of our planet, and transforming our relationship with ourselves and our planet. Through The Pachamama Alliance, I lead life altering journeys to the remote, pristine rainforests of Ecuador. Participating in the 2010 People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Nature in Cochabamba, Bolivia ignited Rights of Nature is my life work. I am proud to be co-founder with Doris of the Rights of Mother Earth campaign. I took our signature campaign and advocated for Rights of Nature at COP17 in Durban, South Africa.
Co-founders Association of RoME switzerland

Maria Stergiou Zurich, Switzerland:
Co-founder of Rights of Mother Earth.
Maria holds a Masters of Advanced Studies in Art History, Linguistics and Anthropology from the Universities of Zurich and Basel and worked in different key positions as project leader and federal employee in the areas of art, culture and science. She was born and raised in Greece and lived since ever in multicultural locations.
“Our planet is the this tiny dot on the map of the universe. We are born on it. It nourishes us, and it is our home for a while. How come that we take that for granted? Can we get away with everything?

Alexandra Koch, Country Director of The Hunger Project, Switzerland:
Co-founder of Rights of Mother Earth, Alexandra holds a Masters in Business and Economics from Basel and completed a Post-Master Certificate in International Business at Oakland University in Michigan, USA.
Prior to working with The Hunger Project, Alexandra was involved with product management, project management and group controlling at a large insurance company.

Mónica Alvarez Errecalde Mar del Plata, Argentina:
Spanish Translator
"Since I had the privilege of being born in a wonderful, caring and loving family I always feel the need of thanking and sharing, also because I am lucky for all the friends and opportunities I have.
Mother Nature is alive and provides us with all we need with immense generosity, in spite of humans lack of respect and consideration, that’s why I joined the Rights of Mother Earth campaign, to spread the word, help people take a stand, and try to make this world a better place to live in for us and the next generations"

Christoph Meier, Geneva, Switzerland:
German translator
For the last thirty years liberalization has continuously reduced trade barriers as well as legal limitations and State controls on banks and multinational corporations. This has brought the financial system to the brink of collapse and unprecedented riches to a handful of individuals while the reste of the world struggles ever more and natural resources dwindle in a more and more polluted environment. It is high time to change our cours of action.
Christoph Meier was for a long time the in-house counsel of an important non-governmental organisation. He is now involved in bicycle business and advocacy.

Maria Paula Lourinho, Lisboa, Portugal:
Portuguese Translator
"Earth is Paradise. Man has no right to change this, but the obligation to use his mental capacity to the Good and to restore the equilibrium he has taken away from Nature. By achieving this, Man can heal himself and allow all forms of Being to blossom in their entire magnificence.”
Andrew Hart. Oxford, UK.
Andrew Hart is our chief design consultant. He has helped to progress our brand image and he designed and maintains this web site for Rights of Mother Earth.
As well as creating a host of additional graphic work for us he also advises on matters of marketing and communication.

Elisa Mereghetti. Bologna, Italy.
Documentary director and producer, Elisa has directed over 50 documentaries and several social communication campaigns with her company Ethnos, including productions for RAI - National Italian Television, foreign broadcasters, various international NGO's and for UNDP - United Nations Development Program. Her films, shot mainly in Africa, Asia and South America, focus on environmental issues, women's stories, social, anthropological and development subjects. She has received numerous awards both nationally and internationally. She is presently collaborating with the Rights of Mother Earth campaign developing communication initiatives